
Fischer's Bread3814 views

Four Boys treated for rabies by Louis Pasteur2965 viewsThe Four Boys from Newark, NJ, treated for rabies by Louis Pasteur in late 1885.
Left to right : Austin Fitzgerald, William Lane, Eddie Ryan and Patrick Reynolds.
A well-known physician, Dr. William O'Gorman, recommended that the children be sent to Pasteur for treatment and issued his appeal:
" I have such confidence in the preventive forces of inoculation by mitigated virus that were it my misfortune to be bitten by a rabid dog, I would board the first Atlantic steamer, go straight to Paris and, full of hope, place myself immediately in the hands of Pasteur.... If the parents be poor, I appeal to the medical profession and to the humane of all classes to help send these poor children where there is almost a certainty of prevention and cure. Let us prove to the world that we are intelligent enough to appreciate the advance of science and liberal and humane enough to help those who cannot help themselves.."
- New York Herald Tribune, December 4, 1885.

Albee Family2280 views

Children2229 views

Dickie Dee's Lucheon2227 viewsRich O., Nat Bodian, John Vito, his wife Jan, Jule Spohn (standing), Don Herman, Danny B.
Photo from Jule Spohn

Girl Scouts ~19542220 viewsThird Row - Diane Nikel Martin, Sara Friedman Fishkin

Confectionary Store2210 views

Gas Company Workers2208 viewsFrom the William F. Cone Collection

Humbolt Street Image?2205 viewsCan anyone identify the scene?
Photo from Reginald Reed

St. Peter's Orphanage2190 views1949

German Family 18982183 views

Bar Interior2178 viewsMachine gunners who mowed down Dutch Schultz and three aids in this Newark bierstube turned their weapons on the Bronx racketeer as he emerged from door at far end of bar where police are congregated.
Photo from the NY Daily News

Teddy's Tavern2175 views

Children2051 views

Hurdy Gurdy Man2035 viewsHine, Lewis Wickes , 1874-1940 -- Photographer
Hurdy Gurdy, Newark, New Jersey

Bernard Rosenkrantz2023 viewsBernard Rosenkrantz lies in operating room after he was shot down with gangster boss Dutch Schultz.
Photo by Windham/NY Daily News

Sandlot Baseball1982 viewsHine, Lewis Wickes , 1874-1940 -- Photographer

Polltaker 19171976 views

Stringing Milk Tags - 19231954 views

Newark Female Charitable Society1952 views

Women's Sufferage Meeting at Military Park1911 viewsInternational Film Service -- Photographer
Woman suffrage - [Mrs. John Rodgers, Jr. addressing a crowd of voters at Military Park, Newark, N.J., October 18, the day before election.]

Bienkowski, Stanley1905 views

Bernard Rosenkrantz1862 viewsVictim in Schultz Shooting in Hospital. Newark, N.J.: Bernard Rosenkrantz, alleged bodyguard of Arthur (Dutch Schultz) Flegenheimer, in City Hospital for treatment of wounds received when he was shot down by unknown gunmen with Schultz and Leo Franks, in the Palace Bar and Grill on East Park Street here tonight.
Photo from Bettmann

Candy Stripers - Presbyterian Hospital 19581861 views

St. Patrick's Day Parade 20031854 views

Assassination Scene1846 viewsA Newark, New Jersey police officer examines a shattered mirror at the scene of the mob assassination of Arthur 'Dutch Schultz' Flegenheimer. Flegenheimer and three of his bodyguards, Otto Berman, Leo Frank, and Bernard Rosenkrantz, were fired upon by two unknown gunmen as they were dining at the steakhouse.

Star Eagle Staff Members February 19111842 viewsSecond from right in the back row is George White. The front row, from the right is William A. Shea, second from right is Elgin Dilly. If anyone knows any of the others please use the comment feature below and add the names.
Photo from Carol Marchese

Dutch Schultz & Max Silverman1797 viewsArthur (Dutch Schultz) Flegenheimer (left) and his Bondsman, Max Silverman, leaving court a Newark, New Jersey, October 17, where the notorious gangster is held in $50,000 bail in his fight to escape extradition to New York City for trial on charge of evading the income tax laws.
Photo from Bettmann

Springfield Avenue Car Barn 18841793 views

1793 viewsRoland, eleven year old newsboy, Newark, N.J.

Kolb Sheet Metal Works1792 views

Eddy, Kids1771 viewsFrom Mary Francis:
First--Red-headed girl is Bonnie. My age guess is about 53-54.
Middle--Blonde--Pauline. She is probably 57-58 now.
Top--Lynette--dark brown hair. She is probably about 59-60 now.

Dolan, William and Anna1761 viewsFrom John Gaffney:
This is a wedding picture of my grandparents William and Anna (Capcik) Dolan. They lived at 311 Lafayette St in the earlier years and then at 26 Joseph St after the late 1940s

Central High School Cafeteria Staff1758 views


1752 viewsSmallest boy is Max Schwartz (8 yrs. Old) and Jacob Schwartz, 163 Howard St., Newark, N.J.

Assassination Scene1745 viewsLeft to right, Officer Mills and Police Chief Harris at scene of Dutch Schultz shooting in Palace Bar and Grill.
Photo from Bettmann

1744 viewsWomen walking through snow and slush in Newark, New Jersey, to the city hall to place before Mayor Raymond a resolution calling for purchase and sale by the city of needed food.
From “Library of Congress”

Zwillman, Abner "Longy"1704 views

In the Morgue1704 viewsBronx Beer Baron Bows Out. He beat many a rap, local, state, and Federal, but Arthur Flegenheimer, known as 'Dutch Schultz' big as he was, could not escape gangland justice. Here he is on a slab in the morgue of a Newark, New Jersey hospital.
Photo from Bettmann

Conklin, Joe, Tommy, Mike, Richie & Billy1700 views

Brennan, John "Pop"1700 viewsJohn "Pop" Brennan, Newark born cyclist in the US Bicycling Hall of Fame.
Photo from the "Pop" Brennan Bicycle repair shop webpage

1687 viewsAfter 9:00 P.M. Dec.17/09. Newark, N.J. All these were selling and work later some nights. Some are 10 years old.

1675 viewsJoseph and Rosy, 10 and 8 yrs. old. He sells until evening. She is one of 5 or 6 girls who sell (afternoons) in Newark

Newark City Hospital1660 viewsDutch Schultz being wheeled to the Newark City Hospital morgue. He died of wounds inflicted by two gunmen as he sat in a Newark, New Jersey, cafe.
Photo by George Rinhart

Brown, Vic1654 views

1654 viewsMax Schwartz (8 yrs. old) and Jacob Schwartz from 163 Howard St. Newark, N.J. Sell until 10 P.M. sometimes in front of Max Schwartz (8 yrs. old) and Jacob Schwartz of 163 Howard St. selling papers in front of 224 Market Street.

1650 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. Afternoon

Exterior of Bar1644 views

1643 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. Afternoon

1640 viewsNewsies at work in Newark, N.J. Aug 1, 1924


Ceraulo, Phil1610 views

Bauerle, Joseph & Gottfried1606 viewsGottfried Bauerle(right), owner of Bauerle's Bakery & Restaurant, Newark, NJ. The photo was taken in 1911 behind the Restaurant, at their residence, 218 Mulberry Street, corner of Green Street in the back alley. His son, Joseph Bauerle is on the left.
Photo from Rob Hogan

First to Die1606 viewsShot when machine gunners cornered him with Dutch Schultz and a third gangster, Otto (Abadaba) Berman, one of the Dutchman's bodyguards, died early this morning at Newark City Hospital.
Photo by NY Daily News

Carolina Avenue Kids1605 viewsKids from the Miceli, Connell, Caulfield, Martin and Cosgrove families.

1592 viewsFrom left to right. Joe, 12 years, Jacob, 8 years. Bonny, 10 yrs. Levi, 10 yrs. Teacher says Joe doesn't know anything, not even enough to be bad. He is always drowsy in class. "Jacob is "awful" in school work and conduct. He gets sleepy in class. Benny is good in school work and conduct. These three boys are brothers.


Dwarkin, Arnold1576 views(L to R) Sanford Krause, Donald Goldfarb, Melvin Schwartz, Eugene Gibbs, David Ruben, Arnold Dwarkin, on ground is Jay Goldberg.
We all hung out at Hatoff's Candy store on the corner of Clinton place and Weequahic Ave in the 50's. The group picture is of the gang on Bradley beach. I am not in the picture as I was the photographer (David Gornitzky)

1567 viewsPatsy, eight year old newsboy, Newark, N.J. Says he makes fifty cents a day.
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