1437 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. AfternoonNov 06, 2006
1649 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. AfternoonNov 06, 2006
1642 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. AfternoonNov 06, 2006
1523 viewsNov 06, 2006
1653 viewsMax Schwartz (8 yrs. old) and Jacob Schwartz from 163 Howard St. Newark, N.J. Sell until 10 P.M. sometimes in front of Max Schwartz (8 yrs. old) and Jacob Schwartz of 163 Howard St. selling papers in front of 224 Market Street.Nov 06, 2006
1674 viewsJoseph and Rosy, 10 and 8 yrs. old. He sells until evening. She is one of 5 or 6 girls who sell (afternoons) in NewarkNov 06, 2006
1635 viewsNov 06, 2006
1751 viewsSmallest boy is Max Schwartz (8 yrs. Old) and Jacob Schwartz, 163 Howard St., Newark, N.J.Nov 06, 2006
Newark Women1521 viewsWomen walking through snow and slush in Newark, New Jersey, to the city hall to place before Mayor Raymond a resolution calling for purchase and sale by the city of needed food.
Title: Newark women plod in snow to plea for food
Date Created/Published: [ca. 1920]
Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-96179 (b&w film copy neg.)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication.
Call Number: LOT 12354-1 <item> [P&P]
Nov 06, 2006
Warden, Jack (obit)1185 viewsFrom Joe Cummins:
I last remember talking to him in front of Carney's Confectionery store - Summer Ave and Elliott Street, probably in 1943. That was the hangout for many of Good Counsel High kids as well as neighborhood kids from Elliott St area/Summer Ave area. He was in paratroop uniform at the time, and possibly still on medical leave before going back overseas. I was probably 14-15 and in high school at the time.
Nov 05, 2006
Santos, Frank1049 viewsIn Independence Park 1953Nov 05, 2006
Reissner, Henry with Anthony Scardaville(on car)1089 viewsNov 05, 2006
Scardaville, Anthony1002 viewsNov 05, 2006
Pawa, Helen, Irving and Baby Jack1056 viewsPhoto from Jack PawaNov 04, 2006
Taylo, Gene986 viewsmikd 1940'sNov 04, 2006
863 viewsJohn V. donated the cake from Calandra'sNov 03, 2006
769 viewsNov 03, 2006
900 viewsJack M (onocop), Manny G, Manny's FriendNov 03, 2006
848 viewsNat Bodian and Manny's friendNov 03, 2006
876 viewsCaroline and Nat BodianNov 03, 2006
1141 viewsJohn VNov 03, 2006
949 viewsManny G and Friend Manny from NewarkNov 03, 2006
Hayes, Ron971 views~1940Sep 13, 2006
904 viewsAug 17, 2006
690 viewsAug 17, 2006
1017 viewsAug 17, 2006
734 viewsAug 17, 2006
714 viewsAug 17, 2006
686 viewsAug 17, 2006
762 viewsAug 17, 2006
598 viewsAug 17, 2006
652 viewsAug 17, 2006
593 viewsAug 17, 2006
608 viewsAug 17, 2006
712 viewsAug 17, 2006
1482 viewsAug 15, 2006
Harris, George pt11149 viewsAug 03, 2006
Harris, George pt21028 viewsAug 03, 2006
Newark Female Charitable Society1951 viewsJul 10, 2006
1935 Jewish Children's Home Annual Prize Day Play1526 viewsJul 10, 2006
1939 Jewish Children's Home Group Photo1279 viewsJul 10, 2006
Mitzi1195 viewsJul 10, 2006
Teddy's Tavern2174 viewsJul 10, 2006
Finnegan, Charles1326 viewsCharles Finnegan (1879-1954)
Charles was born on Pacific Street in Newark, the first son of Mary Ann Shea Finnegan and James Finnegan. Charles learned carpentry from his father and also installed electricity in Newark homes. In his later years, Charles worked as a harness maker.Jul 10, 2006
Four Boys treated for rabies by Louis Pasteur2964 viewsThe Four Boys from Newark, NJ, treated for rabies by Louis Pasteur in late 1885.
Left to right : Austin Fitzgerald, William Lane, Eddie Ryan and Patrick Reynolds.
A well-known physician, Dr. William O'Gorman, recommended that the children be sent to Pasteur for treatment and issued his appeal:
" I have such confidence in the preventive forces of inoculation by mitigated virus that were it my misfortune to be bitten by a rabid dog, I would board the first Atlantic steamer, go straight to Paris and, full of hope, place myself immediately in the hands of Pasteur.... If the parents be poor, I appeal to the medical profession and to the humane of all classes to help send these poor children where there is almost a certainty of prevention and cure. Let us prove to the world that we are intelligent enough to appreciate the advance of science and liberal and humane enough to help those who cannot help themselves.."
- New York Herald Tribune, December 4, 1885.Jul 10, 2006
St. Patrick's Day Parade 20031854 viewsJul 10, 2006
Geisheimer, Frederick & Ethel1228 viewsJul 10, 2006
Thomas, Chester & Viola1046 viewsJul 10, 2006
Geisheimer, Frederick & Ethel1359 viewsJul 10, 2006
Keifrider, Mary1058 viewsJul 10, 2006
Thomas, Chester1010 viewsJul 10, 2006
Geisheimer, Hugo & Christiane - Frielinghaus, Arthur & Ethel1189 viewsIn the backyard of 106 Brill Street.
Hugo Carl Ernst Geisheimer & Christiane Graßle Geisheimer
Arthur Frielinghaus & Ethel Nichols FrielinghausJul 10, 2006
Frielinghaus, Arthur & Ethel - Geisheimer, Hugo & Christiane1268 viewsIn the backyard of 106 Brill Street.Jul 10, 2006
Frielinghaus, Arthur & Ethel1304 viewsJul 10, 2006
Frielinghaus, Arthur1270 viewsAt his desk as Traffic Manager for Ford Motor Company.Jul 10, 2006
Frielinghaus, Caroline Elizabeth Bittle1200 viewsJul 10, 2006
Frielinghaus, August & Caroline1233 viewsAugust Daniel Frielinghaus and his wife Caroline Elizabeth Bittle FrielinghausJul 10, 2006
Frielinghaus Brothers1357 viewsJul 10, 2006
Brennan, John "Pop"1700 viewsJohn "Pop" Brennan, Newark born cyclist in the US Bicycling Hall of Fame.
Photo from the "Pop" Brennan Bicycle repair shop webpageJul 10, 2006
Klink, Carl1019 viewsJul 09, 2006
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