Denbigh Family, Samuel261 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh Family, William H.311 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Captain Samuel227 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Captain Samuel238 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Captain Samuel245 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Captain Samuel240 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Captain William H.213 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Captain William Hay244 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Maria (Wife of Samuel)277 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Mrs. William H.262 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Denbigh, Richard261 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Liner Runs into and Sinks a Schooner289 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Newark Craft Sunk by Liner305 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh
Schooner Cut in Two by Steamer268 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh