Top rated - Pictures of You

Mannion, Margaret1093 views1913, holding sibling
Photo from the Mannion Family     (14 votes)

Mannion, Mazie (holding nephew Tommy) and James Mannion1181 views1918 on Lister Avenue
Photo from The Mannion Family     (14 votes)

Mannion, Bridget (holding Margaret) and Patrick (holding Mazie)1186 viewsLister Avenue home in 1901
Photo from The Mannion Family     (14 votes)

Pawa, Irving (Obit)1241 viewsFrom Jack A. Pawa     (5 votes)

Westerdale, William Anthony Aloysius1002 viewsWilliam Anthony Aloysius Westerdale, B 1889 in NJ, Son of William J Westerdale (Swedish heritage) and Catharing McGovern (Irish heritage).
If anyone recognizes the area, please post in the comments section.
Photo from John Westerdale     (4 votes)

Mannion Children725 viewsIn front of 145 Fourth Street
Photo from the Mannion Family     (3 votes)

Mannion Children696 viewsIn front of 145 Fourth Street
Photo from the Mannion Family     (3 votes)

Lobue, Philip1081 viewsPhoto from Jennie Lieberum
This is a photo of my Uncle, Philip Lobue, with his Lemon Ice cart. The photo was taken in Newark in the early 1930's. My uncle was born in 1915 and was in his mid teens in the picture. My family lived on Fairmount Ave and also on South 6th street. We left Newark around 1961.     (3 votes)

Spatola, Steve 19571263 views     (3 votes)

Mannion, John681 views~1899
Photo from the Mannion Family     (2 votes)

Mannion, Robert657 viewsMrs. Mary Kinsella, Miss Margaret Mannion, Mrs. Helen Lamb & Robert Mannion (clockwise) in Branchbrook Park
Photo from the Mannion Family     (2 votes)

Kinsella, Mary672 viewsMrs. Mary Kinsella, Miss Margaret Mannion, Mrs. Helen Lamb & Robert Mannion (clockwise) in Branchbrook Park
Photo from the Mannion Family     (2 votes)

Jelley - Four Generations741 views~1947-1950
The Jelley family owned the Jelley Furniture Store on Ferry Street.
Pictured are William Jelley 1st, William Jelley 2nd, William Jelley 3rd & William Jelley 4th
Photo from Ken Jelley     (2 votes)

Schneider, Emil1000 views     (2 votes)

1793 viewsRoland, eleven year old newsboy, Newark, N.J.     (2 votes)

1510 viewsSmallest boy is Max Schwartz (8 yrs. old) and Jacob Schwartz, 163 Howard St., Newark, N.J. Sell until 10 P.M     (2 votes)

1567 viewsPatsy, eight year old newsboy, Newark, N.J. Says he makes fifty cents a day.     (2 votes)

1675 viewsJoseph and Rosy, 10 and 8 yrs. old. He sells until evening. She is one of 5 or 6 girls who sell (afternoons) in Newark     (2 votes)

1752 viewsSmallest boy is Max Schwartz (8 yrs. Old) and Jacob Schwartz, 163 Howard St., Newark, N.J.     (2 votes)

Rachmiel, Father & Sandy1060 views     (2 votes)

Pietrucka, Frank & Dorothy1146 views     (2 votes)

Burst, Fred1554 views     (2 votes)

Eitner, Al829 viewsFrom Dan Eitner     (1 votes)

Mannion, Margaret618 viewsMrs. Mary Kinsella, Miss Margaret Mannion, Mrs. Helen Lamb & Robert Mannion (clockwise) in Branchbrook Park
Photo from the Mannion Family     (1 votes)

Kiell Family946 viewsNorman & Aaron Kiell with their mother in front of 50 Milford Avenue - 1943
Photo from Paul Kiell     (1 votes)

Kiell, Louis959 viewsIn front of his store at 491 Ferry Street - 1918
Photo form Paul Kiell     (1 votes)

Olohans928 views102 Brill St. Olohans
top row L-R Bill, Bob Sr.,and RichO
middle row L-R Michael, Richard, Timothy
bottom row L-R Caitlin, Patrick
circa 1991
Photo from Rich Olohan     (1 votes)

Spohn, Jule909 viewsJune 27, 1962 at Chapultepec Palace in Mexico City while guarding President and Mrs. Kennedy. Twenty years old and guarding the President of the United States. The highlight of my Marine Corps career.
Photo from Jule Spohn     (1 votes)

1145 viewsCharlie, ten year old shiner, Newark, N.J. August 1, 1924.
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-nclc-04058 (color digital file from b&w original print)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA     (1 votes)

Bellino, John1111 viewsJohn Bellino with Jean Messineo and Richard Johnson in front of the House of Detention on Newark Street
Photo from Dave Messineo     (1 votes)

Spohn, Jule & Friends1069 views~1950
Photo from Jule Spohn     (1 votes)

Kraus, Christina Joeck910 viewsOn here 99th birthday, April 27, 1926
Photo from Joyce Myers     (1 votes)

Stieber, Anton and Christina Joeck Kraus971 viewsPhoto from Joyce Myers     (1 votes)

1546 viewsPretzel and gum vendors - Newsies are good customers. A boy sells a basketful of pretzels every afternoon at the "news" office, to the boys getting their afternoon papers. Henry Schertzer, (left) 14 yrs. old. Abel Schertzer, (right) 12 yrs. old. Sam Tumin, (centre) 10 yrs. old. Sam sells gum, often till 10 P.M. Taken at 8:15 P.M. Location: Newark, New Jersey.
Library of Congress, Prints and Photograph Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA     (1 votes)

Elbrecht, Herman1475 viewsPhoto from Gary Gernert     (1 votes)

Geisheimer, Glenn ~19531260 views     (1 votes)

1490 views9:00 P.M. Dec. 17, 09. Newark, N.J. Nicholas Guiseppi, 65 River St. Sells until later than this     (1 votes)

1687 viewsAfter 9:00 P.M. Dec.17/09. Newark, N.J. All these were selling and work later some nights. Some are 10 years old.     (1 votes)

1644 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. Afternoon     (1 votes)

Warden, Jack (obit)1185 viewsFrom Joe Cummins:
I last remember talking to him in front of Carney's Confectionery store - Summer Ave and Elliott Street, probably in 1943. That was the hangout for many of Good Counsel High kids as well as neighborhood kids from Elliott St area/Summer Ave area. He was in paratroop uniform at the time, and possibly still on medical leave before going back overseas. I was probably 14-15 and in high school at the time.
     (1 votes)

Hayes, Ron972 views~1940     (1 votes)

Newark Female Charitable Society1952 views     (1 votes)

Kolb Sheet Metal Works1792 views     (1 votes)

Fischer's Bread3814 views     (1 votes)

Rachmiel, Mother & Sandy1021 views     (1 votes)

Rau, Henry & Florence with Florence996 views     (1 votes)

Rau, Florence1043 views     (1 votes)

Czomek, Al1437 views     (1 votes)

Czomek, Olga & Stella1349 views     (1 votes)

Buscigliorick, Rick1431 views     (1 votes)

Children2230 views     (1 votes)

Baby Carriage Parade - 1920's1362 views     (1 votes)

Confectionary Store2211 views     (1 votes)

1471 viewsTom and Jerry, 8 and 9 yrs. respectively. Tom is the "limit" in deportment at school, and Jerry had reputation as a truant until placed in ungraded class. He is in 1.A grade. The greatest sin to him is "being found out."     (4 votes)

1517 viewsSome of Newark's small newsboys. Afternoon     (4 votes)

1551 viewsEddie and Carmine Zizza, twelve year old twins who make $1.50 a day. They belong to a family of 13 children many of them newsboys. Newark, N.J. - August 1st, 1924.     (3 votes)

1528 viewsTheodore Librizzi, 8 yrs. old. Dewey Librizzi, 10 yrs. old. Solomon Milkman, 15 yrs. old. Solomon has been selling 4 yrs. His father is dead. Asked how he liked the trade - "It keeps me in school." Taken at 4:15 P.M     (3 votes)

Mannion, Robert1057 views1932 Communion at Lister Avenue home
Photo from the Mannion Family     (13 votes)

Reissner, Henry with Anthony Scardaville(on car)1090 views     (5 votes)
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