Most viewed - Pictures of You

432 viewsFrom “Library of Congress”

Practicing for "Brother Moses"428 viewsWPA group practicing for a show
WPA Photo

Penek, Peter423 viewsPeter Penek is standing in the doorway of the George Penek Florist shop
Photo from Lynn Smilow

422 viewsBefore 1923, a girl of 13 working at embroidery in a far corner of a dimly lighted room. The light came from a small gas jet which was high above the girl's head, in the center of the room. She was working on a black dress which was outlined in black pencil. For this dress elaborately embroidered, she received ninety cents. She could embroider one dress in about three or four days if she kept at it steadily. She had been working since 4 P.M., and it was the 7 P.M. She expected to stop at 10:30. Location: Newark, New Jersey.
From “Library of Congress”

Samociuk, Stefan (Stephen Samov)420 viewsBorn in Poland and emigrated to the USA in the early 1900's.
I am trying to discover when he died. Any information please contact me, Monika Charuj-Cataldi

Mothers & Children at City Hall417 viewsFrom “Library of Congress”

Fritts, Russell415 viewsRussell Fritts in 1946 with a model of the front of the Waverly Ave School. This model was made by Russell and presented to Mrs. Agnes Wharton, retired Principal at her retirement dinner.
Photo from Lisa Fritts

Mattina, Sr., Charles F.413 viewsPhoto from Charles F. Mattina Jr.

Unknown Group411 views1948

Some Newark Poles in Costumes of the Old Country408 viewsMarch 7, 1909

Vasiliion, Patricia407 viewsOutside George's Barber Shop 1940

Unknown Group of Children406 viewsPhoto from LOC

Avery, Margaret (Maggie) nee Hanratty402 viewsPhoto from Margaret Robinson

Gross, Morty399 viewsMorty Gross using Western Electric headset to listen in on Man in the Moon stories, Ritz Apartments, Newark, N.J.
From “Library of Congress”

Lewis, Madge388 viewsEmpty collapsible tubes: a tin mine for war industry. Mrs. Madge Lewis, widow and ex-sales lady, tests old tooth paste and other tubes for metal content in the Newark, New Jersey reclamation plant of the Tin Salvage Institute. This test on an electric iron helps to identify tin and lead tubes from containers made of other metals
From “Library of Congress”

Phil Lynch and is Metro Society Orchestra385 viewsPostcard

Mattia, Angelo Maria384 views(1841-1925)
Photo from Rita Mattia

Hibell, John (Truckman)384 viewsPhoto from Rebecca Clegg Scarpato

Turnell - McArdle - Guerin382 views1939

Well Known Citizens of Essex County380 viewsPhoto from Essex County Illustrated 1897

Mattia, Petrino B.378 views(1860-1953)
Photo from Rita Mattia

Steck, Charles377 viewsCharles Steck (holding the reins), owned a coal and ice business on South 15th Street. The photo was taken around 1920. His brother, Gus Steck, also owned a coal business and was the father of orchestra leader Gus Steck.
Photo from Steve Borres

Steck, Fred377 viewsFred Steck's Lunch Room at 313 Springfield Avenue (~1890)
Photo from Steve Borres

Mattia, Filomena Ilaria371 viewswife of Angelo Maria Mattia
Photo from Rita Mattia

Sharp, Charles S.370 views1877-1970
Photo from Christina Sharp

Hooley, George Wm366 viewsPhoto from Darleen Pane

Schweitzer, William362 views

Rimback, Bridget Quale344 viewsBorn 1859

Mueller, Marie334 viewsPhoto from Dr. Paul R. Ahr

Reese, Emil & Max332 viewsPhoto from Jeff Ross

Bergen Street Div. Social Club320 viewsPostcard

Reese, Ane Johanna Larsen319 viewsPhoto from Jeff Ross

Reese, Max Frederik Wilhelm302 viewsPhoto from Jeff Ross

Reese, Laurits291 viewsPhoto from Jeff Ross

Dester, Clifford284 viewsLived at 410 South 18th Street
Photo from Ellen Hayes

First Ward Kids276 viewsPhoto from the Museum of the Old First Ward


Denbigh, Captain William H.243 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh

Denbigh, Captain Samuel239 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh

Walking Dress239 viewsMay 29, 1904

234 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

Denbigh, Captain Samuel233 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh

Little People Make Merry at a Park218 views

Schooner E. C. Hay Rammed by Scandinavian Steamship Tietjen214 viewsClick on image to enlarge
Photo from William R. Denbigh

A Children's Party on Badger Avenue214 views

Schooner E. C. Hay Rammed by Scandinavian Steamship Tietjen212 viewsClick on image to enlarge
Photo from William R. Denbigh

212 viewsPhoto from Ralph Parone

Schooner E. C. Hay Rammed by Scandinavian Steamship Tietjen210 viewsClick on image to enlarge
Photo from William R. Denbigh

Denbigh, Captain Samuel208 viewsPhoto from William R. Denbigh

Beauregard, Wilson & Lawrence208 viewsPhoto from Allan F. Wright

Balot, Diana (Frank)199 viewsDiana Balot Frank, her brothers and sister, her sister’s friend, Valarie and two neighbors whose names I don’t remember. Easter 1963 or 1964. Homestead Park, Newark, NJ

Britting, Margaret198 viewsJune 5, 1904

Giunta, Antonia Ferada Longo197 viewsPhoto from Joseph Musso Jr.

Madden, James Patrick195 viewsPhoto from Lynn Smilow

A Little Sunbeam's Birthday Party193 viewsMarch 4, 1906

Hall, Margarete (r), Littell, William F. & Littell, Dorothy189 viewsBarringer High Graduation
Photo from Bill Ridge

King of the Newsboys Abdicates His Throne188 viewsMarch 11, 1906

A Newark Boy's Trip Across the Pacific188 viewsMarch 16, 1919

Mixyz Maxyz188 viewsHahnes Department Store 1959

McLoughlin, John187 viewsStanding outside Dugan's Bakery
Photo from Dawn Mulligan-Ray