Most viewed - Pictures of You

1145 viewsCharlie, ten year old shiner, Newark, N.J. August 1, 1924.
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-nclc-04058 (color digital file from b&w original print)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Murphy Frank with son Tom Murphy1140 views

Eldridge, Douglas1139 views

Jackowski, Addie & Florence1115 views

Bellino, John1111 viewsJohn Bellino with Jean Messineo and Richard Johnson in front of the House of Detention on Newark Street
Photo from Dave Messineo

Chasen Family 19121102 viewsPhoto from Lynn Lipton
Mary & Julius Chasen (parents), Lee Chasen (standing), and Edna Chasen (baby).

Tighe, Helen1095 views

1095 viewsMike, ten year old shiner, Newark, N.J. August 1, 1924.
Digital ID: nclc 04055 Source: color digital file from b&w original print
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-nclc-04055 (color digital file from b&w original print)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Mannion, Margaret1093 views1913, holding sibling
Photo from the Mannion Family

Reissner, Henry with Anthony Scardaville(on car)1090 views

Chasen, Lee 19141090 viewsPhoto from Lynn Lipton
Lee Chasen on Market Street

Walton, Al1083 views

Lobue, Philip1081 viewsPhoto from Jennie Lieberum
This is a photo of my Uncle, Philip Lobue, with his Lemon Ice cart. The photo was taken in Newark in the early 1930's. My uncle was born in 1915 and was in his mid teens in the picture. My family lived on Fairmount Ave and also on South 6th street. We left Newark around 1961.

Jackowski, Margie Florence & Lois1074 views

Spohn, Julius Herman & Julius John1074 views

Pawa, Irving1073 views

Pawa, Helen1072 views

Bellino, John1071 viewsJohn Bellino & Connie Gennaro across from the House of Detention on Newark Street
Photo from Dave Messineo

Spohn, Jule & Friends1069 views~1950
Photo from Jule Spohn

Hill, Edward M.1065 views

Sabia, James1065 viewsOwner of A. B. & C. Paper Box Company.
97 Cabinet Street
Newark, NJ

Rachmiel, Father & Sandy1060 views

Keifrider, Mary1058 views

Pawa, Helen, Irving and Baby Jack1057 viewsPhoto from Jack Pawa

Mannion, Robert1057 views1932 Communion at Lister Avenue home
Photo from the Mannion Family

Simon, Marvin1054 viewsPhoto from David Gornitzky

Santos, Frank1050 viewsIn Independence Park 1953

Thomas, Chester & Viola1047 views

Helwig, John G.1045 views

Rau, Florence1043 views

Pawa, Irving1030 views

Godfrey Family1030 views(left to right) Gladys Godfrey, Bernice Godfrey, Florence Godfrey, and their mother, Elsie Godfrey, sitting
Photo from Joyce Myers

Pawa, Irving Story1029 views

Harris, George pt21028 views

Jackowski, Florence1027 views

Rachmiel, Mother & Sandy1021 views

Klink, Carl1020 views

Keegan, Jack1019 views

Klink, Frederika1019 views

Tighe Family1017 views

Spohn, August1015 views

Reissner Mary Sefcick1015 views

Lake, Walter F.1014 views

Thomas, Chester1010 views

Serra Family1004 views

Olohan, Bob & Rich1003 views

Scardaville, Anthony1002 views

Westerdale, William Anthony Aloysius1002 viewsWilliam Anthony Aloysius Westerdale, B 1889 in NJ, Son of William J Westerdale (Swedish heritage) and Catharing McGovern (Irish heritage).
If anyone recognizes the area, please post in the comments section.
Photo from John Westerdale

Schneider, Emil1000 views

Olohan, Robert M. - Robert E. & Richard999 views

Graef, Fred998 views1940 Nat Bodian (l) Fred Graef (r)

Rau, Henry & Florence with Florence996 views

Straley, Charles993 views

Loew, John986 views

Taylo, Gene986 viewsmikd 1940's

Goldberg, Jay986 views(L to R) Sanford Krause, Donald Goldfarb, Melvin Schwartz, Eugene Gibbs, David Ruben, Arnold Dwarkin, on ground is Jay Goldberg.
We all hung out at Hatoff's Candy store on the corner of Clinton place and Weequahic Ave in the 50's. The group picture is of the gang on Bradley beach. I am not in the picture as I was the photographer (David Gornitzky)

Russell, Anna Wilson976 views

Hayes, Ron972 views~1940

Stieber, Anton and Christina Joeck Kraus971 viewsPhoto from Joyce Myers

Lytle, Betty969 views