Newark People

Old Newark

Eisel, Henry & Amanda
Wedding picture of my great-grandparents Henry and Amanda Eisel, born Redmer. It was taken in a Photo Studio in Newark about 1899/1900. Maybe my great-grandfather Henry Eisel was in 1920 the owner of the Eisel Building 653 Broad Street in Newark. He emigrated in 1896 from Germany to New Jersey. I would like to know more about the wedding picture and the Eisel Building. Who has more information? Please contact me: Sonja Dembeck from Germany,    e-mail:

Eisel, Henry & Amanda

Wedding picture of my great-grandparents Henry and Amanda Eisel, born Redmer. It was taken in a Photo Studio in Newark about 1899/1900. Maybe my great-grandfather Henry Eisel was in 1920 the owner of the Eisel Building 653 Broad Street in Newark. He emigrated in 1896 from Germany to New Jersey. I would like to know more about the wedding picture and the Eisel Building. Who has more information? Please contact me: Sonja Dembeck from Germany, e-mail:

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