Newark People

Old Newark

Warden, Jack (obit)
From Joe Cummins:
I last remember talking to him in front of Carney's Confectionery store - Summer Ave and Elliott Street, probably in 1943. That was the hangout for many of Good Counsel High kids as well as neighborhood kids from Elliott St area/Summer Ave area. He was in paratroop uniform at the time, and possibly still on medical leave before going back overseas. I was probably 14-15  and in high school at the time.

Warden, Jack (obit)

From Joe Cummins:
I last remember talking to him in front of Carney's Confectionery store - Summer Ave and Elliott Street, probably in 1943. That was the hangout for many of Good Counsel High kids as well as neighborhood kids from Elliott St area/Summer Ave area. He was in paratroop uniform at the time, and possibly still on medical leave before going back overseas. I was probably 14-15 and in high school at the time.

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